How to Get Raw SQL Query from Laravel Query Builder?

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When working with Laravel Query Builder, it's often helpful to view the raw SQL query being generated. This guide explains how to obtain the raw SQL query as a string.

Get Raw SQL Query

In Laravel, you can get the raw SQL query generated by the query builder using the toSql method. Here's how you can do it:

// Get the query builder instance
$queryBuilder = DB::table('your_table')
    ->select('column1', 'column2')
    ->where('column3', '=', 'value');

// Get the raw SQL query as a string
$sqlQuery = $queryBuilder->toSql();

// Output or log the SQL query
echo $sqlQuery;


  1. Get the Query Builder Instance: Use the DB::table method to get an instance of the query builder for a specific table.

  2. Build the Query: Chain methods like select, where, etc., to build your query.

  3. Get Raw SQL Query: Use the toSql method to retrieve the raw SQL query as a string.

  4. Output or Log: You can output the SQL query using echo or log it using Laravel's logging facilities (Log::info, for example).

Remember to replace 'your_table', 'column1', 'column2', 'column3', and 'value' with your actual table name, columns, and values.


By obtaining the raw SQL query, you can effectively debug and analyze the queries generated by Laravel Query Builder. This is valuable for understanding the underlying database interactions during development.

Experiment with this technique to gain insights into your application's database interactions and streamline your debugging process.