Setting Up File Permissions for Laravel

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Setting Up File Permissions for Laravel

Ensuring proper file permissions is crucial for the security and functionality of your Laravel application. Here's a guide on how to set up file permissions:

1. Directory and File Permissions

Set the directory permissions to 755 and file permissions to 644. This is a common setup that grants read and execute permissions to directories, and read permissions to files.

# Set directory permissions
find /path/to/your/laravel -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

# Set file permissions
find /path/to/your/laravel -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

2. Storage and Bootstrap Cache Directories

Grant write permissions to the storage and bootstrap/cache directories. Laravel needs these directories to be writable for certain operations.

# Set write permissions for storage directory
chmod -R 775 /path/to/your/laravel/storage

# Set write permissions for bootstrap/cache directory
chmod -R 775 /path/to/your/laravel/bootstrap/cache

3. Artisan Commands

Use Artisan commands to set the correct permissions. Laravel provides the storage:link command, which also sets appropriate permissions for linked directories.

# Create symbolic link and set permissions
php artisan storage:link

4. Ownership

Ensure that the web server user (e.g., www-data on Apache or nginx on Nginx) has the appropriate ownership of the Laravel directories.

# Set ownership to www-data user and group
chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/your/laravel

5. Composer and Node.js Packages

If you are using Composer or Node.js packages, make sure to run the commands with the correct user to avoid permission issues.

# Example for Composer
sudo -u www-data composer install

# Example for Node.js
sudo -u www-data npm install


  • Be cautious with granting write permissions. Only directories that require write access, such as storage and bootstrap/cache, should have write permissions.

  • Regularly check and update file permissions, especially after deploying updates or making changes to the server environment.

By following these steps, you can establish secure and appropriate file permissions for your Laravel application, minimizing potential security risks.